We are excited to announce Hone Product Design as a founding member of the Victorian Cleantech Cluster (VCC). The VCC is driven to establish itself as a global leader in the development of cleantech innovations and strives to be at the forefront in developing a sustainable and circular economy in Victoria. As industrial designers, we are constantly seeking to initiate positive change through our practice of product design and the VCC provides an ideal platform to do so, one that mirrors our sustainable ethos and ambitious values.

Victorian Cleantech Cluster source: victoriancleantech.org.au

Victorian Cleantech Cluster source: victoriancleantech.org.au

We were eager to get on board with the not-for-profit initiative, along with other industry leading businesses and organisations including RMIT and Monash University. The organisation aims to promote the adoption of renewable and sustainable practices. The philosophy of best practice aims to reduce environmental impact and result in a more efficient and conscious use of natural resources. In addition to these aims, the Cluster offers HonePD and its clients access to a wealth of relevant knowledge & industry connection in the development of new products and entry to market.

The organisation is working to initiate change by assisting with collaboration between like minded members in order to share and build upon knowledge that can help to address environmental issues in a range of fields. While our involvement is focused in the field of product design and manufacturing, member expertise spans across a range of fields, including energy, waste management, transportation, water, agriculture and building.

Solar Panels source: lboro.ac.uk

Solar Panels source: lboro.ac.uk

The VCC launched in June of this year, and those in attendance at the official launch included Lily D’Ambrosio (Victorian Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change) as well as Arron Wood (Deputy Mayor of Melbourne), who was involved as a guest speaker. The launch was booked to capacity which is only a small indicator of the desire to transition to a more widespread adoption of clean technologies. With such a strong backing in these early stages, the potential impact and reach of the Cleantech Cluster is a very exciting prospect. It provides an opportunity for small and large companies to make a difference, but looking at the bigger picture, it is a crucial step towards ensuring the sustainable future of our planet. 

Victorian Landscape source: webpark.vic.gov.au

Victorian Landscape source: webpark.vic.gov.au

As product designers, we are always very conscious of what we put into production and the ecological impact a design might have. Our involvement in the Victorian Cleantech Cluster is one of the many ways we seek to improve our practice, expand our knowledge in the field and support positive design. Talk to us about cleantech, or any projects you might have by calling our Melbourne office at: 9939 8880 or email us at: hello@honepd.com.

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