They say that nobody likes a gloater, but from time to time one must celebrate their success. And it is on that note that we at Hone are very pleased to congratulate our Design Director, Lee Baker on his recent success at the Premier's Design awards via his role in designing the YMCA Playnasium.

The annual Victorian Premier’s Design Awards recognise and reward Victorian designers and businesses that display excellence in the way they use design. The design sector is a significant contributor to the Victorian economy. In Victoria, more than 85,000 people are directly employed in design related roles. The awards also provide an opportunity for businesses and the community to better understand the role of design in making products, services, spaces and experiences more functional, safe, efficient and attractive.

Awards are categorised into 8 groups, Architectural Design, Communication Design, Design Strategy, Digital Design, Fashion Design, Product Design, Service Design, Student Design. As such, the awards is a true cross section of the top design in the state for the year. This year’s category winner within the Product Design category also took out the Best in show title, highlighting the design as the top judged design piece in Victoria for 2017 across all disciplines. The product is the YMCA Playnasium. It is with pride that we gloat on behalf of Lee Baker (and offer congratulations of course) for his role as Project Manager & Creative Director on the project.

The YMCA Playnasium combines adult exercise equipment and innovative children’s play equipment with the objective of building healthier communities by getting people together and active outdoors. The Playnasium achieves this by using the child’s mass to generate workout effort for the parent, while the parent’s workout effort moves the child’s ride. Win Win!

The Playnasium consists of three pieces of equipment: The ‘Pull-Upsy-Daisy’ combining pull down weights with a see-saw. A ‘Peck-A-Boo’ which creates a pec-deck to power a vertical swing and peek-a-boo. While the ‘Row-Row-Row-Machine’ uses a rowing machine to power a moving dolphin ride. These 3 items combined create a diverse workout for the parent, and a fun and varied play area for the kids.

A HUGE Congratulations to Lee & those involved in creating such a successful product which has seen over 20,000 families physically engage with it during its 9 installations since late 2016. A well deserved win.


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